Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wire Pass Hike

Time to get caught up on this blog! Way back in March shortly after we moved into the new house we went on a little camping trip to Coyote Buttes area. This camp trip was our friend Alison’s idea, she wanted to hike the famous “Wave”. I thought it a brilliant plan! As we headed East from St. George to meet her at the White House camp grounds I did take note of the ominous clouds to the north of us. But really how bad could it be? I know Alison had texted me that it was cold and if I didn’t want to come she would understand…. but I was really in need of a camp fire and time away from civilization. 

We didn’t even last 24 hours before packing up a soaked camp and heading home. We arrived Fri at 6PM and left the following day at 3:15PM. Not sure who the hell rates sleeping bags or how that works... mine is supposed to be +15 well I call BS on that one. Glad I took my snow pants or I never would have stayed warm. Even with ALL my ski gear on I was cold in the sleeping bag. When I got up in the morning there was frost on my camp stove, by 10AM the car said it was 35-degrees. Thankfully the kids stayed warm in their sleeping bags. I can do cold, I can do rain. I cannot do kids in the cold rain with sand. I didn't think I would ever find a use for my new three car garage. When we got home I laid out both tents and shoes and anything else that was wet to dry. Sunday morning I spent most of the day cleaning sand off of everything.

As for getting a permit to the Wave… what a joke! Alison tried the day she got there but quickly realized there was NO way all 7 of us would be hiking the wave. Even the chance of us getting one permit was slim. 

As an alternate we decided to hike Wire Pass. When we drove out to the trail head the road was dry. It started raining on us just before we reached the small slot canyon. Just a drizzle nothing we thought we should be concerned about so we hiked through the slot canyon to where it opened up again then turned around and came back, really short hike. Then found a spot to eat lunch out of the drizzle. The drizzle picked up became a slushy rain of sorts. We get back to the car, get all the shoes off the kids, and start driving back down the road to the highway. I have driven in some crappy icy snowy conditions but that was downright nerve racking and NUTS!!!! That road was slicker than snot and we had little if any traction because the tires were covered. Alison did a great job driving us out of there but we crept along. A snail could have beaten us out of there.

By the time we arrived back at camp Alison and I had decided the fun was over with. The kids were angels and helped us break camp in record time. This is definitely one camp trip we will never forget. 


  1. HAHA! Oh man......I can just now laugh about this trip. What a doozie! I called it THE WASH not THE WAVE.
