Saturday, June 18, 2011

Zion Bogley Fest June 2011

Paul from Bogley organized another fine Bogley Fest. It started Friday night with a small gathering of Bogleyites at my house for a BBQ. 

Aiden sitting at the counter, Bo, Spencer, Aaron,  John and Alison

Felicia, Paul, Robin, Dana, Thayne, and Christopher

Me, Alison, Felicia and Bo (photo by Felicia)

John, Felicia, Don, Alison, Bo and Me (photo by Alison)

Sultry Strawberry

That didn’t last very long

Saturday morning I woke up early and met Paul, Aaron, Jon and Jack at the Gooseberry Mesa Trailhead to ride the South Rim.

Meanwhile back at home Don made a good breakfast I hear.

After the ride on Gooseberry I hustled back to the house so Alison could do Keyhole with the gang.

Dave, Sam, Felicia, Alison, Robin, Paul, Don,  Aaron, Jon, Jack, and Erik

Both photos by Alison

Paul won the lottery permit for Subway on Sunday for 12 people. (Paul, Robin, Aaron, Dave, Sam, Me, Alison, Don,  Jon, Jack, Nick and Erik)

The plan was to meet at a god forsaken time early in the morning at the Left Fork Trailhead on the Kolob Terrace. For the most part we all arrived on time but then…. the last car in our caravan up to the Wildcat Trailhead missed the turn off. We waited and waited and finally Alison and I drove my car back down to see if there were car troubles. Apparently 10 seconds after we turned the corner out of sight the missing party showed up.  A small group (Dave, Sam, Don and Nick) waited for us to return. And off we went. First trail that crossed our path we consulted the map and determined we needed to keep walking. Second trail we ignored and kept walking and walking and walking….uphill? I have hiked Subway once before and all I remember is that it was ALL downhill until the exit hike out. I finally spoke up and said this just does not feel right. Don and Nick who have hiked Subway before agreed. We consulted the map again, turned around and headed back to that second trail we ignored. Sure enough we had hiked a mile out of our way. I call that our two mile bonus warm up hike. We finally caught up with the other group they were hanging out looking over Russell Gulch wondering if we were ever going to show up. The following are my favorite pictures I took in Subway.

Last time I hiked Subway I barely made it out because I was in such horrible shape this time I ran the last ¾ of a mile up the exit hike in 24 min. Then to stretch my legs back out I walked back to the last person Sam and finished the hike with her. The only person I didn’t get a picture of at the exit was Erik because he ran up the trail with me.

Me and Alison





To see some gorgeous pictures of Subway visit This is Nick's site and he takes gorgeous photos.

After a long days hike there was another BBQ at the Watchman Campground.

Julie, Felicia, and Tom

BBQ photos by Paul

Monday I did Birch Hollow with Don, Paul, Robin and Aaron. It was supposed to be a short day. About 5 hours. Uhuh!  Here are my 5 favorites.

At the end of Birch we were looking for a short cut trail to the top. It does exist only don’t take this trail!

Robin, Aaron, Don and Paul

We bushwhacked our way to the top for 2 hours. I have never been more exhausted in my entire life. The next day I was soooo sore. I ended up taking another day off work to recover.

Good times!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Color Country Natural Resource Camp 2011

Love this picture!

Sarah and I got rid of Spencer for 4 days!!! We did not miss him and he did not miss us. He really had a wonderful time and has said many times this summer that he wished he was at camp.